No!  A hoarse or breathy voice means that the vocal cords are not moving properly and/or that there is something structurally wrong (e.g., nodules growing on the vocal cords).  It is true that there seem to be a lot of people out there with hoarse-sounding voices.  While these may be considered “sexy” in the short term, as the disorder progresses, the voice becomes more gravelly sounding and, in some cases, the voice can even disappear altogether.

The good news is that most voice disorders are highly amenable to treatment.  If caught early on, voice therapy alone may be sufficient to return the voice to normal structure and function.  If left until later when vocal nodules may be permanent, surgery may be required followed by voice therapy.

If you are concerned about your voice, first go see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist (we can recommend some if you’d like) to determine if there is anything structurally wrong with your vocal cords.  The ENT will let you know what your diagnosis is and what your options are.  If therapy is an option, contact a speech-language pathologist to get the process started as soon as possible!